Control is the keyword.
For any corporate web site, the update of content is
of utmost importance. The older ways of engaging third-party
webmasters to update the content of your website is long
gone! We provide a complete solution to manage the content
of your corporate website.
The content controller of your organization would
have the full control of any content on the web
site by using
our CMS's easy-to-use user interface. Anybody who knows
how to operate any word processing software (e.g. Microsoft
Word, Lotus Word Pro, Word Perfect) will have no problem
managing the website's content.
Key features: -
a) Manage CMS users
b) Apply approval rules to the content
c) Manage all the files used for the website (e.g.
images, HTML documents)
d) WYSIWYG HTML editing interface (NO HTML knowledge
e) Schedule content to be viewed in the website or archived